The Feeling is Mutual
Friday, September 15, 2006 by GeoffQ: Bush's numbers are real low right now. What do you make of the people who are still with him at this late date?
Miller: That is the question: Who are these people? What do they think he's done a good job at? I'm trying to be fair, but what is he good at? You look at Iraq, you look at Katrina. His appointments, Michael Brown. I don't know where to start. I have Bush Administration Attention Outrage Deficit Disorder.
My personal favorite poll number is the President's 2 percent approval rating among blacks. Which is within the margin of error. Which leads to all sorts of mind-boggling possibilities, scientifically: Is it possible that more black people hate the President than are actually alive today? Do you think black ghosts are coming back to hate him? Do you think they can read black sonograms at this point? Are doctors saying, "We don't know if this is a boy or a girl, but we know this baby hates George W. Bush?"
The Whole Story
I don't know who this Miller person is, but she's, she makes me laugh.
Also, sorry for the lack of content, but monday starts CANDY CORN COUNT DOWN -- a 6 week celebration of everything that is Halloween. Tune in.
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