Saturday, February 25, 2006 by Geoff
The one and only MC Hammer has his own
blog. It is most definitely Hammer Time! I haven't really read it yet, but it seems he covers everything from the state of hip-hop to spring training baseball. You can't touch this man.
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Friday, February 24, 2006 by Geoff
EXCLUSIVE DEVELOPMENT!!! IT’S SHOWTIME!!!According to this blog, Betterthandfudge, Arrested Development has been pickedup for 12 episodes by Showtime.
No other info is provided. I hope it is true.
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Wednesday, February 22, 2006 by Geoff Reports Stern's Use of Profanity Jumps 34% "A 62% increase in F*CKs, with January 9 containing 77 instances and February 9 increasing to 125 (or .39 F-bombs a minute)."
These people have too much time on their hands. . .Like me.
Check-out their
homepage they have some kind of bizarre counter.
People are stupid. If you need a web page to tell you if Howard Stern's UNCENSORED radio show is appropriate for your kids, you should have your kids taken away from in the middle of the night, while you receive a lobotomy and are made sterile.
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by Geoff
Turin vs. Torino: What's the difference?
"The city in northern Italy that's hosting the Winter Olympics next month is "Torino" to the locals and NBC. For most of us non-Italians, it's always been Turin."
I am Italian, I didn't realize Torino was the correct way of saying and spelling it. I feel I have let down my Italian brethren. Sorry.
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by Geoff
Would-be rock star plunges from bed to death"A teenage guitarist got so carried away while bouncing up and down on his bed mimicking a rock star that he flew out of a third floor window to his death, a Singapore newspaper reported on Wednesday."
Note to self: Do not rock out while near open window, or while near open window, do not rock out.
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Tuesday, February 21, 2006 by Geoff
Bush Countdown. You want to see how many more days, upon days, upon days, Bush-a-chan has left in office? This is the site for you.
I didn't mean for this to be bush themed but, here is another linky
Make Bush Talk pretty cool time waster.
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