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Project A119, or "A Study of Lunar Research Flights" was a 1950s top-secret plan developed by the United States Air Force with the intention of dropping an atomic bomb on the Moon. It is presumed that the purpose of such an action would be to display U.S. superiority to the Soviet Union and the rest of the world during the Cold War.Project A119
What! Were they for real? I've heard some cockamamie ideas before, but...WHAT! At least they were being creative.
"Yes Mr. President, if we drop an atomic bomb on the moon we will show those commies just how ballsy we really are." "The a-bomb you say," said the president, "I like your thinking, Shaffer. You are a real "go getter." That's what we need more of today, "real go getters."" Shaffer replied, "Thanks, sir. I just figure it was sort of fun and interesting when we blew up some of Japan..." "Yeah, it was." Said the President. "And we Americans really like fireworks. So not only will we show how strong we are as a nation, dropping the an atomic bomb on the moon will be giant fireworks explosion. A 2 for 1 deal." The President replied, "Shaffer, I see a bright future in your future." "Thank you, Sir."
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