It's About That Time . . .Almost
Do you know what today is? No, it is not my birthday. No, it is not your birthday. Today is July 31st -- exactly 3 months before Halloween!
I absolutely love Halloween. It is only second to Christmas, mainly because of the hype and build-up Christmas has. Not to many people, anymore at least, seem to get super pumped for Halloween. But they should. What other time can you disguise your house, apartment, or room as an evil, ghoul infested, zombie ravaged, candy giving entity? When else can you dress up as demon from the other world, or as a man, dress up like a woman and receive smiles instead of stares? You can't. So just give in! Love Halloween with me! But I digress.
This year Meliss and I will be having our annual ( I think 5th or 6th annual) Halloween bash. And for the first time, ever! We will be having it at our very own home.
In past years attendees could come in whatever costume they pleased. This year though, I am toying with the idea of having a theme. I'm thinking a comic book theme. Anyone coming can dress as any character that has ever appeared in a comic book. I have an idea for the invitations and everything. It will be a sweet thang-a-chang.
I found out some depressing news this weekend though. I asked a neighbor what the Halloween turnout was like and he told me, "Last year we only got about 4." That is a downer. Maybe I can distribute flyers to encourage ToTs (trick or treaters) to stop by my haunt. Or run about the streets on Halloween night throwing candy at unsuspecting kiddies.
I will post more Halloween induced entries as we get closer to the date. Is anyone else a Halloween geek?
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